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Add a logo to Outlook signature

Published: 2013-01-29
Add a logo to Outlook signature

In order to add a signature logo to your emails with Outlook, you have to create a email layout.

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For Oulook 2010: Click "File" , then click "Options"

Fenetre d'options

Go to the "email" tab and click "Signatures ..."

Fenêtre paramètre

You will now be able to insert your signature layout that you created with steps above. To add the logo you have to use the icon “icon signature”:

Créer sa signature

Your signature logo is now created, to add it to your emails click Insertion / Signature and select the signature that you just created:

ajouter la signature

By adding a signature to your emails, your emails will look more professional and your clients will be able to see your company details easily.


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