To obtain a quality business card, it is essential that you choose the right type of paper. Several paper weights are available, the most commonly used for business cards is the 350g paper.
Printers generally use a 250g to 400g paper weight for printing business cards. Using 350g minimum weight will give you a clean professional look. A lighter paper weight such as the 250g paper will give your cards a cheap "budget" look.
Logogenie offers two types of business card papers (both 350g)
Matt 350g paper - This is the most commonly used printing paper in the industry. This paper offers an excellent price/quality value.
Glossy coated 350g paper - This paper gives a glossy effect to your cards, it is frequently used for company brochures, invitations, flyers and more.This paper also offers a great quality/price value.
Logogenie offers you both of these papers at the same affordable price.